Alyse Jenkins
November 2019
Labor and Delivery
Renown Regional Medical Center
United States




Alyse Jenkins was one of many nurses I came into contact with during my time in the hospital, specifically she was my nurse for two nights while I was on the L&D floor. I have to say she is absolutely PHENOMENAL. I was in the hospital for a week after a failed induction turned emergency Caesarean with my first child. I can't remember which nights she was my nurse exactly however I do remember on the first night she came in and talked to me specifically about my birth "plan." In our conversation about my plan and this being my first child I also mentioned to her I had general anxiety disorder, I had no interest in narcotics, and that the idea of getting an epidural and losing mobility really made me uncomfortable. The first thing I thought was unique about her is that she asked me what I needed when I was feeling anxious, how could she specifically help me.
As my birth plan began to fall apart I opted for an epidural and without asking, Alyse stayed in my room after and just sat with me while my husband attempted to get some sleep. She asked another nurse to step in for her other patients so she could be with me. I am not a person who admits when I am scared or anxious but, she knew I was. She just started talking to me as if we were old friends at a lunch and didn't ask me traditional "are you okay?" questions because she remembered what I had told her about my anxiety. In that moment I recognized her ability to have genuine empathy and I told myself I would never forget her and I would model how I treated people after her.
Alyse was with me until the shift change the morning of my C-section and I remember during the preparation of, she was telling the other nurses about my anxiety and what would help me remain calm. She held my hand through the entirety of my trip into the OR and while they were prepping me in the OR (which felt like a lifetime), she really made me feel as if I had no reason to be afraid.
I cannot express enough how she touched my life. I can tell you that as a first time Mom my experience with induction, labor, Post-partum was absolutely traumatizing and there were things that went on during that time that challenged my faith in myself. However, after all of it, the only thing that REALLY mattered to me was how she made me feel.
Alyse Jenkins is what "We C.A.R.E" is all about and she deserves to be recognized for it over and over again. She reminded me why I am so proud to call Renown my "home" and reminded me why I am proud to come to work every day.