June 2012
Senior Care Unit
Medical University of South Carolina
United States




Alison has worked for years on the Senior Care Psychiatry Inpatient Unit with extremely challenging patients. She never gets by with less than the best care even if it means she works extra. She spends her own money on items that are personally important to a patient, like boiled eggs for a man who refused medications and other treatments unless he got an egg! She works at knowing the things that are most important to each patient and incorporating these into her relationships. Alison makes safety a priority. She recognized that many geriatric psychiatry patients choke because they may have forgotten how to eat. Alison noticed that many patients cannot remember the movements necessary to get into bed. She has techniques for these, learned through experience that she shares with others. She is outspoken about not tolerating less than the best care for "her" patients. The staff applauds her for never finding a task below her to perform and for helping other staff without being asked. Alison comes in on days off to teach all IOP staff how to care for the patient with delirium, dementia, and psychosis. She speaks in new employee orientation and education/competency days monthly and was a speaker recently at a Department of Psychiatry Conference on geriatric psychiatry. She also regularly shares her knowledge on safety and direct patient care for therapeutic assistants. Alison is passionate about nursing and especially about her senior care patients. Alison deserves a DAISY Award for giving outstanding care!