Tim Pennington
July 2014
Medical ICU
Miami Valley Hospital
United States




My sister-in-law was an employee of Miami Valley Hospital. She was very ill and on short term disability. During her last hospitalization, she had a nurse named Tim who used to be an EMT. He was a super nice guy and our family was so impressed with the way Tim took care of her. She was confused at times, but became unresponsive at the end, yet she always seemed to respond to him.

He would check on her and give her ice chips. When he talked to her, she seemed to respond. He did everything he could to make her comfortable and was always explaining things to us as he was doing it. Tim talked in a way we could understand. He kept us informed and educated. He came in often and made sure she was not in pain. He was just very caring. It showed in his tone of voice, attentiveness and compassion. Tim is a great nurse and has truly met his calling. We appreciate him!

Submitted by phone call: Family member

Many cardiology staff and physicians took turns being with this patient and her family. We have heard feedback that Dr. W was visiting the patient numerous times, and looking from the outside in - as a subjective visitor - found Tim to be anticipatory of the patient and her family's needs. Tim did an overall great job. He was not invasive of the family, visitors or patient, yet was always there coming in and out to check on her. While he was efficient, Tim was not all about the task, but rather all about the patient. Tim handled the patient experience with grace and dignity and supported both the emotional and physical needs of the patient and her family.

In addition, one of the cardiologists visiting the patient became "involved" in her care, not as her physician but as her friend. While another nurse might have seen this as the physician meddling where he didn't belong, Tim was able to embrace the physicians and took them as part of his patient's support system. He willingly went with the flow of what the family needed. Tim was the walking, talking picture of empathy.

Submitted by: Heart Vascular Nurse Manager

As Tim's manager, I have heard often from family how the care he provides is compassionate and how he explains things in a way they can understand. He does all this in a very calm manner often times pulling up a chair to take time to really build that relationship. Families feel he is never rushed and truly cares about them and their loved one. Tim is always so helpful and never hesitates to do whatever is asked of him.

Submitted by: MICU Nurse Manager