Stacey Lindgren-Ramirez
November 2016
Allergy Clinic
Phoenix VA Health Care System
United States




Throughout her time here in the Allergy Clinic, Stacey has been a consummate professional, she displays a positive attitude even during the most hectic times, and her honesty and integrity are unmatched. When we have student nurses, she is oftentimes paired up with them to offer mentorship; she is a great teacher and role model. Additionally, the bulk of the float-nurse training within the clinic falls to her, and she does a stellar job. Through her exemplary teaching skills, she has taken a complex practice and protocol, and made it accessible and easy to learn for even the most novice of nurses. Stacey is so committed to meeting the needs of our patients that she volunteered to change her tour of duty to accommodate the clinic's need of a late nurse.
She has developed a wonderful rapport with our patient panel and advocates for them daily. If there is ever a question of a patient's therapy being held due to them forgetting their medication, she goes above and beyond to get them what they need so their treatment can continue on schedule.
She has proven herself to be an engaging and cohesive bond amongst staff members and has been an overall pleasure to work with. Stacey adapts well to change, and regularly demonstrates flexibility to meet the needs of the clinic.
While her scope of practice does not require her to have polished assessment skills, she is obviously gifted in this area. On more than one occasion, she has picked up on subtle cues with a patient's vitals or symptomology, and was instrumental in directing them to the care they needed. Moreover, through her assessment of each patient, she has identified a few different patients who are taking medications that are contraindicated in their therapy, thereby making a potentially life-saving discovery.
Stacey is currently pursuing her education to become a registered nurse, and has consistently demonstrated well developed critical thinking skills; they will allow her to excel throughout her nursing career.