Carrie Lahr/Manager; Shelley Peters; Julie Medlin/Nominator; Janis Watts/Director; Suzanne Del Boccio/CNO
July 2013
Indiana University Health North Hospital
United States




I had good intentions of writing this letter to you several weeks ago, however, each time my fingers began tapping on the keyboard, tears of emotion would interfere, overpowering my ability to complete it. As the healing process continues, following the death of our precious daughter, I would like to share a story with you and ask for your assistance in honoring one of your pediatric nurses with the DAISY Award.

Our family became what some would consider, "frequent flyers". It didn't take long for staff members to fall in love with our Princess in some way or another. Her personality, charm and bright smile were truly addictive. On one of the few remaining days we had with her, our nurse, Shelley, asked her what she would like to do. She replied; "I want to go to the beach Nurse Shelley and collect seashells!" So, with a heart of gold, Shelley made it happen!

Shelley, her family and coworkers, took it upon themselves to bring the beach to our Princess! They purchased and made multiple trips up four flights (in a very crowded elevator I might add) the following items; a very large baby pool, 3 bags of sand, dozens of seashells, several beach buckets with shovels, gallons of water as well as a CD player and a CD of the Beach Boys! I'm sure you can imagine the emotion that overflowed from that room!

Several nurses quickly disconnected her from her "life-lines" to allow her to sit in the sand and have her "day at the beach!" It was an amazing sight! With tears streaming down everyone's face, including other staff members who stopped by to see the joyous commotion, it became the talk of the 4th floor!

This remarkable gift will forever be cherished! As parents of a chronically ill child, our family has experienced first-hand the remarkable skill, care and compassion nurses provide patients every day and night. Yet these unsung "Earth Angels" are seldom recognized for the super human work they do. The extraordinary measures Shelley took to provide a wish to come true is a measure like no other. She truly demonstrated the philosophy; "The Strength it Takes!"

What an everlasting memory for us! We believe Shelley deserves the DAISY Award.