May 2012
Intermediate Care Unit
Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
United States




I responded to an RRT on Friday for a patient and I really think your staff saved her life. When we got there she was clearly in some form of shock but she was compensating. Her vital signs were stable, she was talking, she was anxious and saying that she couldn’t get enough air. Her sats were 100% on a few liters nasal cannula. Her nurse Sasha gave a great history, report on events, and had tried some well thought out interventions before she called the RRT. While we (RRT responders) were sort of hedging on what to do Sasha insisted this was not baseline and something was wrong. We took the patient across the hall to the ICU where she continued to compensate for a few more hours. When we did an ScVO2 we found her on a sat of 30%! A stat ECHO showed a VSD with a large left to right shunt. She ended up going into complete heart block and decompensated rapidly. We were able to treat her aggressively because she was here and by then we had figured out what was wrong. Sasha did a great job with her interventions before we got there and by insisting we take her to the ICU. I really believe the patient may have had a different outcome otherwise.