Sara Nguyen
October 2014
Critical Care
University of Washington Medical Center
United States




It is an honor to nominate Sara Nguyen for the DAISY Award. Sara is a very compassionate and competent nurse who has multiple responsibilities which include serving as a 5SE charge nurse and STAT nurse. She remains calm and efficient in a variety of stressful situations. Sara has always demonstrated an exemplary work ethic, including punctuality, dependability and thoroughness.

Sara is resourceful, well-organized, and proficient in her work. She interacts well with our multidisciplinary team, including RT, PT, social work, and providers. Sara interacts appropriately and professionally with family and coworkers.

Sara is a great preceptor, mentor, role model, and social planner for our unit. She is always positive, and that really carries over to creating a great work environment!

Thanks, Sara, for everything you do every day for the staff and patients here on 5SE!