Robin Stotesbury
September 2015
Short Procedure Unit
Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia
United States




Our mother has been been ill since our childhood. We have many painful memories of trying to endure this devastating mental illness. The family had no counseling as we were growing up. It was all very confusing, no one understood it therefore we were always tormented by people in our neighborhood. Mom went through repeated cycles of being well, then ill again.

When her illness became severe in 2004, Mom had to be in a nursing home. She then had ECT treatments at Einstein. I had not accompanied Mom for any of those treatments at Einstein I only knew that she was under the careful supervision of her doctor (whom we love).

Last year, I received a call from a nurse I did not know. She said her name was Robin Stotesbury and she had been caring for my Mom for the past ten years. She told be my mom was very special to her. She said my Mom had recently been having a very difficult time with her treatments. She said she told my Mom that maybe we could all go to a novena together. I had never thought of this idea before and it turned out to be a very helpful and meaningful experience. The night we went to the novena at the church, I witnessed the most amazing showering of love and kindness toward my Mom. The nurse, Robin, had a very sweet, easy going way with my Mom. It almost seemed like Robin and Mom were old friends. I marveled at what I was seeing. I really had never seen anyone treat my Mom so special. My Mom had actually lost many friends over the years as a result of her illness, and her loneliness had only contributed to her illness.

I decided to start going to her ECT treatments whenever possible. When I started going to them, I was opened to a whole world of truly wonderful nurses. I just never imagined that my Mom could ever receive such outstanding and compassionate care. Robin and all of the nurses truly inspire me! I feel like I can see God's love all around my mom and it feels like an incredible blessing! Robin has provided Mom with a bag of clothes when she thought it was needed, and a birthday cake for Mom's birthday. She did not have to do these things. I don't think I will ever be able to repay Robin for the difference she has made in our family and in Mom's life. Robin is truly the hands and heart of God and we love her and all the nurses so much.

The nursing staff of the Short Procedure Unit know her well and have all provided wonderful care, and I wish I could nominate each of them, but Robin has been extraordinary to know. The compassion and love that she continues to give our mother is a precious gift to our family.