September 2016
Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital
Newport News
United States




Patti was orientinga new nurse one day. That morning, she walked into the room of her patient who was in obvious respiratory distress. The patient was on BIPAP, but was fighting to take it off. She quickly intervened, recognizing quickly how critically ill he was. While talking with the patient's wife, she learned they had just found out that his cancer had metastasized to the brain. The wife was distraught. Patti spent endless time talking to the wife and family members in this difficult situation.
The family decided to make the patient palliative care only. The patient was assigned an in-patient bed on the medical floor, but Patti knew he was dying and wanted him to stay in her room in the ED. She provided the family with emotional support, reassurance, and even cried with the family. He passed awaya few hours later with the family at his bedside.
The patient's sister recognized Patti as the nurse who had taken care of her just a few days before. She was thankful she was his brother's nurse and commented on the excellent care she had received from Patti.