June 2012
UHealth Tower
United States




“Patrick showed and demonstrated exceptional professionalism, patience, compassion and willingness to help me while I was a patient here. He was always available, encouraging, always reminding me that it would be okay. He respected and empowered me during a very emotionally vulnerable and anxiety post-surgery experience. He exemplified “AIDET” and deserves recognition. He was the BEST! “
- Patrick was nominated by patient, Rowenda Lewis, who is also a staff nurse here at the University of Miami Hospital.
AIDET is an acronym that represents elements critical to effective communication with our patients and visitors. The goal of AIDET is consistent communication to provide information which can aid in reducing patient anxiety and increasing patient compliance.
Acknowledge: Greet patients by name
Introduce yourself and briefly explain your position and/or qualifications

Duration: Share the length of the procedure, duration of hospital stay, procedure, or recovery time
Explanation: Clearly explain the procedure/test/treatment and what to expect during treatment in terms patients can understand

Thank You: Thank patients for trusting you with their care