Molly Fox
June 2015
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Posted on Facebook: "Major shout out and love tonight to all emergency responders and anyone in that type of field!!!!! We came across an accident tonight and a woman, who obviously had extensive training, did chest compression on someone for at least 15 minutes (and this is only an estimate, I'm sure it was longer). She did not stop, not even when the ambulances and fire trucks arrived (of course they were doing the other necessary things needed in the moment). She never missed a beat and I can only imagine how exhausting that must have been, so much that she took her jacket off in 50 degree weather and was constantly wiping her brow when she was done. THANK YOU TO ALL!!!!! Angels are everywhere."

The person she described doing CPR is MOLLY FOX, a WHH PACU RN. In hindsight, the victim was probably actually beyond help at the scene, however, because Molly immediately began CPR and continued for the 15+ minutes it took for EMS to arrive (and NEVER GAVE UP), they were able to attempt resuscitation efforts (epi, etc.)...and the family can be comforted in knowing that someone responded immediately and that EVERYTHING POSSIBLE was done to try and save her. What an awesome gift to them.