Megan Gilmore
December 2016
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Saint Vincent Hospital Allegheny Health Network
United States




Megan came from the NICU to be N's nurse. Right before N's delivery, her heart rate dropped a few times. Because of these issues, Megan was extra prepared for N's arrival and set out equipment to intubate, if necessary. N came into the world a healthy, beautiful baby. N and I had some time together, and she nursed immediately. Megan assessed N, weighed her, and bundled her up and returned her to me. At this time, Megan had left to help another mother and baby a few doors down from my room.
About one-hour after my daughter's birth, she stopped breathing, becoming purple and listless. These few harrowing moments will forever be seared into my memory. My husband raced out of the room calling for help. Because of an epidural, I was unable to get up, so I gave N to my mother. Even though I am a nurse, I was at a complete loss for what to do in those moments that seemed like an eternity. Megan quickly returned to my room, taking N from my mother to begin resuscitation measures. Megan's fast and deliberate actions, including swiftly intubating and bagging my daughter, brought both color and life back to my precious daughter all before the code team even arrived.
Megan went with my daughter to the NICU where she continued to care for N that evening. When my husband and I were finally able to see our daughter in the NICU, Megan met us with compassion and a willingness to knowledgeably answer any and all questions that we had regarding our baby. As Megan cared for our daughter, she spoke to her reassuringly and caringly, and let her know what she was doing. This showed us how much Megan cares about the little ones under her care. N spent one week in the NICU. Megan regularly checked in on N, even when she was not her nurse.
If Megan had not prepared for the "just in case" during the final moments of my labor, things may have turned out very differently that day. Megan's quick response and skills are the reason we were able to take our baby home and why she is growing and developing as well as she is.
My husband and I can never thank Megan enough for saving N's life that day. Megan is an invaluable asset to St. Vincent Hospital and a blessing to our family!