Maria Giacalone
November 2016
Labor and Delivery
Clark Memorial Hospital
United States




My sister was a patient at Clark Memorial Hospital in the labor and delivery Unit for a scheduled induction. She had a long night and an even longer next day, as she was not progressing. That evening Maria became my sister's night shift nurse. Though she was not the bearer of great news, she was the voice of reality and reason. Maria went above and beyond to explain everything to my sister and our family. That second night, my sister received a balloon dilation catheter that helped to progress things. She labored the entire next day with amazing nurses and staff. When Maria got back that next evening, she went the extra mile to ensure my sister had the vaginal birth she wanted, which at that point didn't look promising. Maria was in my sister's room every 30 minutes checking on her comfort, moving her position and giving her motivation. At 9:38 pm, my nephew was born by vaginal delivery, and Maria was there through everything. The days that followed were horrific, as my sister had to be intubated and was transferred to ICU for an extended stay due to heart failure and flash pulmonary edema. Every shift Maria worked, she came to see my sister. Maria left for a vacation while my sister was still in the ICU. With my sister's permission, I gave Maria my cell phone number so she could text me for updates, no longer as my sister's direct nurse but as a friend of our family. You could see how much Maria had bonded with her patient and how very much she truly cared about the outcome. I received a text while sitting at the foot of my sister's ICU bed that said: "This is Maria, I just landed in Scotland, and can I get an update on..." It brought tears to our eyes. To know that she cared so much, not only when she was the primary care nurse, but long after her shift ended. Maria, you are an amazing nurse! Our family and my sister truly believe you are the reason she was able to have a vaginal birth. You went above and beyond for my sister and our family. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. Clark Memorial is very lucky to have you on their team! You made a difference in my sister's life and everyone's life that surrounds her. We could never thank you enough for your care and compassion.