August 2013
CHI Franciscan Health - Harrison Medical Center: Bremerton and Silverdale
United States




What does it take to be an oncology nurse?As part of your daily routine, it takescompassion, clinical expertise, and awillingness to go the extra mile for colleagues, patients, and families.How aboutalsoserving as a preceptor for generations of new nurses? Youcould choose any of these traits to describe Larissa Taylor, becauseallof them apply!When asked who exemplifies ourunit culture, our standards of care excellence, and a colleaguewhoyou look forward to working with, Larissa's name was put forth withoutexception.
From Larissa's coworkers:
"Larissa Taylor is the quiet strength that is 2 West.She is the nurse who providesthe careand love needed for our patients, but who also systematically administersmedications, does assessments, andfollows procedures per policy.She comes to work with a positive attitude that follows her into the patient'sroom and backoutside to her coworkers."
"Larissa stays calm, cool, and collected no matter how frantic the shift or howintense the pressure.She's like a duck, floating gracefully across the pond, all serene above the water, even if she's paddling frantically underwater with webbedduck feet!Things seem to roll off her back.She modelscomposureforher peers."
"Larissa recently was interviewed by the The Joint Commissionsurveyors andwasobserved doing her medication pass. Despite a heavy patient load, she greeted thesurveyor with a smile and answered all queries to perfection, even for the new blood consent process. The surveyor praised her knowledge and her demeanor,even though they'd spent less than 30 minutes together."
"Larissa's preceptor skills are legendary.She is kind, approachable, and possesses awonderful sense of humor and smile. She answered my questions patiently and is anawesome preceptor!"
"Larissa recognizes that self-care and work-life balance are crucial prerequisites toaddress the emotional demands of oncology patients and families.Therefore, sheeats healthy meals, walks, gardens, and is very active in her church.We could alltake a page from her book in terms of meetingHarrison's Fresh Start mandates."
Larissa also pursues professional knowledge and continuing education to enhance herclinical expertise, such asLearning in the Olympicssymposiums, the Oncology NursingSociety's (ONS) Chemotherapy / BiotherapyAdministrationcourse, and year-end educationdays.She is anONSoncologycertifiednurse, and is a resource to peers who administerhighly toxic, high-risk medications,such as chemotherapy.Larissa is an early adopter ofchange; she was one of the first 2 West employees to complete her Pyxis MedicationStation training after being assigned the modules in Harrison University.Patientsand families mention Larissaby name in the Press-Ganey unit-specific comments.They cite her caring, gentle demeanor,and ability to exceed their expectations whether inpain management, safe care delivery, or addressing end-of-life issues. In their darkest hour, Larissa providespatientshope and encouragementby words and by presence when nowords are necessary.