August 2011
Labor and Delivery, Salem Hospital
Salem Health
United States




I would like to nominate Lacey Parks for the Daisy Award. Although she daily exemplifies what it means to give extraordinary service and compassionate care, as well as perform with a high level of clinical expertise, I was inspired by her Friday night, July 8, 2011. She was a true role model to me and the rest of the department. Lacey willingly worked an extra shift, as we were critically understaffed. She was assigned for the night as the OR circulator, but filled so many hats, even my head was spinning. Lacey was a key player as we battled a post partum hemorrhage in mother-baby unit and help transfer the patient back down to antepartum. She was able to help the doctor and primary RN stop the patient’s bleeding by assisting in the insertion of a Bakri balloon, which she was not totally familiar with, but contacted the proper resources and took the challenge head-on. By this time, the patient had dropped H&H levels and required highly skilled nurses, and Lacey fit this perfectly. After that situation was settled, Lacey easily switched into the role of triage, which she just was oriented to a few weeks back. A patient came through who was pre-eclamptic, and for continuity of care, Lacey stayed with this scared, sick patient and gave her the sweetest, gentlest, high-risk OB care. She did everything she could to make sure this patient was comfortable and excellently informed, since having magnesium sulfate during labor is pretty miserable. As more patients poured through the door, Lacey bounced from nurse to nurse, offering help with admitting, starting IV’s, and buddying deliveries. She only sat down to chart or go to the bathroom. The best part of the night was her comedy relief. Just when we felt stressed, Lacey would say something funny and made us laugh. She was such a great role model of how to be a hard working, positive, empathetic, team-oriented nurse at Salem Hospital. She has the reputation of being someone you can always count on with a moral compass pointed straight up. People are always happy to work along side of her, and charge nurses are always happy when she is on shift. I would love for Lacey to be recognized for her hard work because she never asks of anything in return. It’s just the way she is.