Katie Novak
May 2015
Mount Vernon Community Based Outpatient Clinic
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
United States




Katie saved a life today! Walking by the front desk, she overheard the MSA talking with a veteran/patient who was in psychiatric distress. The patient hung up, and Katie, remembering the patient's name and history of depression, called the patient at home. She answered with slurred speech and had already overdosed on drugs including drugs for her dogs to accompany her to her death. Katie got help, got ahold of 911 who responded and got the patient to the hospital alive. Katie, who had just happened to overhear a conversation, with her own initiative and concern, saved someone from successful suicide.

Katie's individual initiative, knowing her team's patients, doing today's work today, caring enough to call, all the things one could/should do to be the best RN, team nurse and PACT model for RNs.