Julie Scarborough
December 2016
Emergency Department
Inova Alexandria Hospital
United States




Julie is a devoted nurse that has been at Alexandria Hospital for many years. She exemplifies what professionalism and integrity should look like at ALEX. Julie is an RN4, newly promoted RN shift supervisor (although she has been a charge nurse forever), Co-Chair of Peer Review Committee, and is always involved in numerous ER based initiatives.
Julie is always willing to take ownership and solve problem in the ED. When our blood draw scores where low, Julie presented a poster for all to see in the main hallway on ways to improve our patient satisfaction scores with blood draws. I noticed after the poster went up, and hearing that most of the staff was using her techniques, brought our scores up. She is always looking for opportunities to foster caring relationships and improve patient satisfaction.
Julie always puts the patient first. If you have ever been to ALEX's ED we have patient areas known as "Hall Beds." These beds can be very problematic and cause huge patient dissatisfaction. Julie makes sure if patients are assigned to these beds that they are comfortable and an explanation is provided. If a better room becomes available, Julie moves the patient STAT to improve their stay. She will always go above and beyond for patients.
There are so many team up stories I could tell about Julie because she is truly a team player! Yesterday we had a patient with suspected head bleed present to the ED. Julie, as charge nurse, helped to facilitate the care needed by setting actions in motion to put the patient first. Julie teamed up with her colleagues (primary nurse, team nurse, AD nurse, EMT, ED physician, respiratory therapist, and ALEX paramedics) to make a difficult situation better. Within an hour the patient was in route to Fairfax where she could be admitted to neuro ICU (We usually life flight these patients out, but due to bad weather this was not going to happen).
ALEX EMS offered to take patient and Julie made it happen! If you said "thank you" to Julie for this, she would ask you "what for?" because it was nothing out the ordinary for Julie.