April 2015
Kettering Medical Center
United States




A beautiful 97 year old patient arrived on our unit after a medical emergency. She was very ill. The patient was unable to talk except for moaning and crying. This patient's daughter was out of town when the patient was admitted. Debbie jumped in and immediately went about providing compassionate care. She called the doctor to get additional orders to ease her suffering. Debbie collaborated with respiratory for treatments. Debbie was concerned if this patient had a family. She called the ECF and was able to get the daughter's phone number. Debbie called and informed the daughter of her mother's situation. This allowed the daughter to get back home and visit her mother at the hospital. Debbie also called the doctor to get updated advanced directives for the patient. Debbie provided compassionate care to both the patient and her family. When this patient was in the dying process, Debbie sat by her side because she didn't want her to be alone.