David Weinle
February 2016
Progressive Care Unit
Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University
United States




This morning I witnessed a level of caring and compassion that are no longer daily events in today's world. While getting report this morning, a gentleman came to the desk to talk to Dave about his wife, Dave's patient, who is sick but improving. The husband has a terminal illness, and the wife is unaware of his third round of palliative chemotherapy. The husband has but a few months to live.
This gentleman confided the situation to Dave. This is what makes it all the more amazing! Dave had seen the patient's husband being ever present on the unit and knowing they would both be here for Christmas, Dave brought in lights and decorations from home. This will be their last Christmas together and Dave wanted it to be special. The husband did not want to adversely affect his wife's healing nor have her remember negative things at Christmas so wanted things to appear as they normally would.
Dave provided supplies for them to hand make snowflakes together in the room. They also made some other cut out decorations together. The room was decorated by the family with love, thanks to Dave providing supplies and encouragement.
There are always many family dynamics that go on sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes they play out right before our eyes. Suffice it to say that this patient needed all the positivity she could get to embrace the holiday season and help her heal so that at some point she will be able deal with the loss of her husband.
The patient's husband is a giving man and he loves his wife and wants the best for her. That is her husband. And Dave is her nurse.
Today during report I witnessed this gentleman come to the desk with tears in his eyes and ask to hug Dave. He thanked him and told him that he would never be forgotten for making this holiday as "normal" as it could be for him and his wife. He took Dave in the hallway and talked to him at length. I'm sure he was continuing to convey his gratitude. He was absolutely at peace and the tears were tears of joy and happiness.
Dave consistently provides excellent care for his patients. Not only is Dave an RN but he has a RT background as well. Knowledge is great, application of knowledge even better. Consistent application of compassionate care that goes above and beyond any expectations is excellent. That is what David provided. Excellence.
Dave deserves recognition for always having the knowledge, applying the skills, and showing the love and compassion that make him memorable to his patients. He truly touched this family with his kindness and compassion.