January 2011
UC San Diego Health System
La Jolla
United States




The usually calm, confident UCSD psychiatric nurse was in tears. Despite all of her training and experience, she was confronted with something that terrified her. As a kidney/pancreas transplant recipient, she was about to meet the parents of her 17-year old donor. Helping her was beyond my skills as the PR professional who coordinated the meeting. When contacted about the opportunity, she had been thrilled. Until the day actually arrived. While any Lifesharing nurse would have helped me, it was Christine’s help I urgently sought. Only moments after talking with Christine, the organ recipient was comforted, supported, and excited again to meet the family whose decision to donate had saved her life. There are many reasons I am nominating Christine for the DAISY Award

Christine came to Lifesharing five years ago as an ICU nurse. She acknowledges she misses direct patient contact, but knows she’s helping a number of patients by effectively managing the care of our deceased donors. A single organ donor can save the lives and lifetimes of up to 8 people. Recently a physician introduced Christine to his colleagues as having saved more lives through organ donation than he has as a cardio-thoracic surgeon. He also said Christine was the reason he signed up to be a donor.
She makes a profound difference for the family members of our donors, recipients, volunteers and staff. How? By being exceptionally patient in translating medicalese, answering their questions in several ways, if necessary, by easing concerns, and by anticipating things they may not have thought of yet. She explains things accurately and well without making someone feel dumb. She has a willingness and skill to listen even to words unsaid.
Christine has continued to hone her clinical skills and is an enthusiastic learner. She has now completed the rigorous program as a Certified Procurement Transplant Coordinator. She earned her CNIV through a project that benefited residents in the rural Imperial County.
And in her spare time?? This mother of five coordinates our annual holiday gift program.
So how did Christine make the nurse recipient feel better and prepare her for meeting the parents of her donor? By gently reminding her that she had nothing to do with the young man’s death. That he did not die so that she might live. But that the option to give life to others was a silver lining for a family facing heartbreak. (The reunion was incredible and a front page article covering the meeting in the Union/Tribune the next day saved five more lives. It changed the mind of a family who already had said no.)
Christine Brenner. What a calling. What a nurse. I’m glad she found her way to Lifesharing.