September 2012
Emergency Room
Saint Joseph Hospital
United States




On Friday I brought my father-in-law to the ER. I had just gotten home when the phone rang my mother-in-law needed me to come over, she thought my father-in-law was having a stroke. I rushed over to check on him. I knew when I saw him we needed to get to the ED. When I first saw him his right arm & hand was affected- He could not use his right hand. I could see the fear in both his & his wife's eyes. I told my in-laws not to worry, but we needed to get him to the ER.
Upon arrival to the ER the triage nurse took him right back & told us to get him registered in. We were next to registration so it did not take a lot of time. We were told to have a seat in the waiting room- they would come and get us. We probably sat down for 3 minutes when our names were called - We could go back to see him.
That is when we met Brandi. Brandi told us she was starting his IV and said he had his CT Scan. I said, "He hasn't had one yet we just got here." Dr. O entered & said "Oh, Yes he has already had his CT Scan, I'll show you the area where he has had a stroke." Dr. O was wonderful, explained his plan of care & told us he was going to call Dr. B.
When we entered my father-in-law’s room, Brandi was telling him she was not going to leave him, that his IV fluids were infusing, that she was checking his vitals & neuro status every 15 minutes and that she would be with him for the rest of the evening. She said, "'I will take care of you; if you have any questions just ask me."
When Dr. B came to the ER, Brandi came to tell us the Doctor was here. After Dr. B explained the TPA, Brandi asked if we had any questions. When Brandi left she always said she would be right back, and she always returned when she told him she would! I notice my mother & father-in-law start to relax some. The fear in their eyes started to fade.
When the TPA started Brandi held his hand and said she would not leave his side & she stayed with him. When he was able to grasp the side rail with his right hand (this was the side that was limp upon arrival) Brandy was the one that was the most excited. We heard her tell her coworkers that her patient was now moving his right side. Her excitement was "REAL"!
Everything Brandi said she would do she did. She is very professional, she remained calm and did everything right! She was not afraid to hold his hand or extend help to his family. She was able to take care of him as a whole, his body & his Spirit! Because she recognized the fear in his eyes & his families she was able to calm us all with her gentleness, her compassion, her professionalism & her nursing expertise.
Throughout his stay Brandi checked on him - always asking how we were doing. On behalf of all of his family I am nominating Brandi for what she did for us. She was able to take a patient’s worst fears and calm them. She was able to bring relief to him and his family.
"Extraordinary Nurse” she is, taking care of the mind, body & Spirit as well as the family as a whole. What a blessing she is to the ER & SJH and to us!!