September 2012
Comprehensive Procedure Center
United States




I would like to commend one of your nurses for the help she provided my patient today. Barb Still was in admitting and checked in C L. Barb noted that C L was a bit short of breath and had a new onset of swelling in her lower extremities with associated tenderness. Barb spoke with me personally about C L's new problem as well as her history of a pulmonary embolism about two years ago.
The nurses in the CPC helped me arrange a stat ultrasound and to track the results. As it turned out, C L had a new clot in one of the deep veins of her lower extremity and was in danger of suffering a serious pulmonary embolism. We were able to contact the family and her primary care provider and arrange for her to be admitted through EvergreenHealth’s Emergency Department.
I greatly appreciate the vigilance your nurses provide in the CPC. They are well trained and are very good at trigging the routine from the potential life threatening. Barb Still did a wonderful job of bringing C L’s problem to my attention and helping get her the care she required.
I especially appreciate this because when I see most patients they focus on their pain problem like back pain or headache and very well may completely fail to mention critical problems like the new onset of swelling. Earlier this year another nurse brought to my attention the asymmetry of a pupil and we were able to diagnose a dissected carotid artery.
Again, thanks for the care your nurses provide my patients in the CPC. I appreciate that you keep them so well trained and patient care oriented.