Audra Lankford
March 2014
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




I was hospitalized for seven days and Audra Lankford was my attending nurse. Everyday she made efforts in so many ways to insure my comfort through compassionate care.

Through her ingenuity in improvising to make a heating pad through hot wash cloths in a baggie for my pain in my back from a previous surgery, she insured my comfort through the night until one could be ordered through the doctor.

She continuously took extra time to communicate through her professional skills and knowledge what drugs she was administering and their purpose. She would write down the names of each for me so I could relay the information of my care to my sister, a retired oncology nurse who lives in Pennsylvania.

I have been in the hospital for 23 days over a two-year period. Audra's commitment is exemplary. She is one of the best.