Deana Kearns (DAISY Coordinator), Aubrey Parker (DAISY Honoree), Karen Robeano (CNO), Allison Duckworth (Richmond Campus Director of Nursing), Mary Gayle Sweet (Nominator)
May 2013
Richmond Campus ICU
FirstHealth of the Carolinas
United States




...In her special way, she was able to get one of our patients to open up and talk about his feelings. She spent a lot of time taking care of him and listening because he obviously wanted to talk to her. She held his hand and showed sincere concern for him and had tears in her eyes as she told him to call for her if he needed anything. The patient died a few short weeks later of his disease process, but passed away knowing that there was a nurse somewhere who cared. She touched him in his final days of suffering and was sincere in her caring.

Aubrey is everything that a nurse should strive to be. She is professional, proficient, and proactive. She offers compassionate care and not only reaches out to her patients and their needs, but thinks outside of the box and tries to meet the emotional needs of the families too. This is just one example of how she reaches out and takes care of those in need. I would be proud to follow in her footsteps.