May 2015
Stewart Memorial Communtiy Hospital
Lake City
United States




As we become adults, we seem to want to be a part of different clubs' that put us with others with similar interests. There is one club' nobody wants to be a part of and that is the club of parents that has had to bury a child. My heart aches for those that have had to go through this.

Unfortunately, Amy Schumacher has had to experience this. I have witnessed her so many times comforting patients that are dealing with the death of a loved one, young or old. She always knows what to say at the right time and she knows when not to say anything.

Recently, I heard her have a 15-20 minute conversation with a patient who lost her young son who had major health problems his entire life. Amy was comforting the mother with the kindest, most understanding words. And when Amy said, I know,' the mother knew - Amy did know.

I would like to nominate Amy for her outpouring compassion to people that have to be in that club nobody wants to be in. I know that phone call was very hard for Amy bringing back painful, disheartening memories of her own, but she did it with grace and conviction for what we are in healthcare for - our patients. Even when it is painfully close to home.