Yasmeen Yousif Jamaly
September 2023
Yousif Jamaly
Emergency Room
Fakeeh Care - Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital-Jeddah
Saudi Arabia




I can only say that she is the right person in the right place, and I hope all the nurses will be like her.
I come every now and then to the ER, and this nurse is an angel. I came a few days ago, and I have a severe headache because my father was admitted to the hospital. I went down to the ER, and it was very crowded, and many people were waiting for a long time. People were waiting in line for one and a half hours. I went to this nurse in the triage, and she was talking in a very professional way while taking my history, and her experience was like that of a doctor. There is one nurse who came to the triage with five or six receipts for other patients, and she told me that they had priority patients. She was very compassionate, coming every now and then and asking me and the other patients how we were, and when I told her that I could not tolerate it, she took me inside the emergency room, and the other nurses put me in a stretcher and took care of me. Then, the doctor came and gave me IV fluids and painkillers, and my pain decreased. I can only say that she is the right person in the right place, and I hope all the nurses will be like her. She’s a role model, and Fakeeh Hospital is always excellent at their service as well as in selecting their staff.